2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'vitamin b3'|Vitamin B3 (Niacin) for Acne Comedoniano Treatment

About 'vitamin b3'|Vitamin B3 (Niacin) for Acne Comedoniano Treatment

Niacin,               also               known               as               vitamin               B3,               is               a               water-soluble               vitamin               and               member               of               the               vitamin               B               complex.

Niacin               is               involved               in               skin               health               and               the               nervous               system.

In               the               digestive               system,               niacin               plays               a               role               in               producing               energy               from               food.

The               Mayo               Clinic               reports               that               a               diet               rich               in               niacin               can               help               to               boost               HDL               cholesterol               (good               cholesterol)               and               lower               LDL               cholesterol               (bad               cholesterol).

According               to               the               UK               National               Health               Service,               the               recommended               daily               intake               of               niacin               is               13               milligrams               for               women               and               17               milligrams               for               men.

The               Linus               Pauling               Institute               at               Oregon               State               University               reports               that               the               upper               daily               intake               for               niacin               should               not               exceed               35               milligrams.

Side               effects               of               too               much               niacin               are               generally               only               associated               with               vitamin               supplements               and               not               with               intake               from               food.

Among               the               foods               high               in               niacin               are               meat,               fish,               dairy               products,               and               enriched               grains.
               Most               meats               are               among               the               best               foods               high               in               niacin.

White               meats               like               chicken               and               turkey               are               great               sources               of               niacin,               containing               more               than               five               milligrams               per               three               ounce               serving.

All               beef               including               hamburger,               steak,               and               ribs               contain               high               levels               of               niacin.

Pork               chops,               ham,               and               any               other               pork               products               are               good               sources               of               the               vitamin               as               well.

Meat               livers               contain               some               of               the               highest               concentrations               of               vitamin               B3.
               Tuna,               whether               it               is               canned,               fresh,               or               baked,               is               one               of               the               best               foods               high               in               niacin.

A               three               ounce               serving               of               tuna               contains               more               than               ten               milligrams               of               niacin,               nearly               the               entire               daily               requirement               for               women.

Anchovies               contain               between               three               and               four               milligrams               of               niacin               per               ounce.

Clams,               swordfish,               mackerel,               and               salmon               also               contain               significant               amounts               of               the               vitamin.
               A               few               vegetables               are               foods               rich               in               vitamin               B3.

Mushrooms               contain               some               of               the               highest               concentrations               of               niacin               among               vegetables.

An               ounce               of               Portobello               mushrooms               contains               about               two               milligrams               of               niacin.

Sweet               peppers,               asparagus,               and               tomato               products               also               serve               as               moderate               sources               of               vitamin               B3.
               Grains               and               other               foods:
               Some               of               the               best               foods               high               in               niacin               are               those               that               are               fortified               with               the               vitamin.

Various               cereals               and               oatmeal               contain               between               25               and               50               percent               of               the               recommended               daily               intake.

Eggs,               milk,               and               other               dairy               products               contain               moderate               amounts               of               vitamin               B3.
               Niacin               (vitamin               B3)               plays               a               role               in               skin               health,               nervous               system               function,               and               the               production               of               energy               for               the               body.

In               excess,               niacin               can               have               adverse               side               effects               including               skin               flushing,               stomach               unease,               and               even               liver               damage               when               taken               in               excess;               however,               these               issues               are               generally               only               seen               from               too               many               vitamin               supplements,               rather               than               dietary               intake.

Foods               high               in               niacin               come               from               a               variety               of               sources               including               meat,               fish,               certain               vegetables,               and               fortified               cereals.

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