About 'anti aging vitamins'|Anti-Aging Vitamin
I absolutely love smoothies-so cool, so refreshing, so delicious! Smoothies are a fantastic, yummy and nutritious way to drink your vegetables and fruits and are great for those of us too busy to sit down to a meal. Unfortunately, some of us get stuck in a "smoothie rut." Many of us think a smoothie is just a couple of frozen bananas and strawberries blended with ice cubes and maybe a bit of juice. There's nothing wrong with this smoothie recipe, but the possibilities for smoothies are endless and go way beyond just bananas and strawberries! In this health and diet article, we'll show you three super smoothies that use unique vegetable and fruit combinations to help with three different aspects of your health: - Smoothie recipes for weight loss. - Smoothie recipes for anti-aging. - And smoothie recipes to lower your cholesterol! These super smoothie ideas are fantastic for a quick, explosively-nutritious snack or meal replacement that can help boost your mood and energy, protect you from illnesses, and lower cholesterol. Three Super Smoothie Ideas for Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, Cholesterol-Lowering, and Exercise and Fitness! Smoothie Idea #1: Super Smoothies for Weight Loss Some people put high fat ingredients into their smoothies, such as yogurt, milk, or-even worse-ice cream. Instead, try delicious, refreshing smoothies that use high fiber, yummy vegetables to fill you up while also cutting back on calories! For a weight-loss smoothie, try using carrots (they're sweet and a delicious addition to a fruit smoothie) along with other veggies like spinach (high in calcium) or refreshing cucumbers. These smoothies are high in fiber, so they'll satisfy those hunger cravings. They're also high in antioxidants and vitamins, and a perfect add-on to your weight-loss diet. Smoothie Idea #2: Super Smoothies for Anti-Aging Antioxidants can help slow, or even reverse, the aging process. Anti-Aging experts point to research on the effect of antioxidants on aging, saying that it's "believed that the body uses food components, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene, as well as a variety of enzymes to destroy free radicals by beneficially combining and inactivating them and preventing cellular damage" (source). Many anti-aging creams have antioxidants in them, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Instead of trying to reverse the signs of aging on the outside, reverse the signs of aging from the inside out with some high-antioxidant smoothie recipes! A great rule of thumb for anti-aging smoothies is COLOR! The more color, the better. Colorful fruits are often chock full of antioxidants and vitamins to help battle the signs of aging. Some of my favorite additions to boost a smoothie's antioxidant properties are berries such as blueberries and blackberries. Freeze them ahead of time and use them to replace ice cubes in your smoothies. Smoothie Idea #3: Super Smoothies to Lower Cholesterol To make your smoothies helpful for cholesterol, quickly eliminate any animal products from your smoothies. This includes milk and yogurt, prime suspects in your battle to lower cholesterol. Instead, use soy milk. And for an utterly sinful and delicious smoothie that might also lower your cholesterol, trying adding dark chocolate to your dessert smoothie. Health research suggests that dark chocolate can help lower cholesterol, with researchers saying that "chocolate...can contribute to a healthy diet" (source). |
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