Mirta Espino 's blog ::Learn What The Best Supplements For Women Are
There are more multivitamin supplements out on the market than I can count. Does the world really need 200+ different brands of multivitamin supplements when all a person really needs is one? The sad truth is yes, we probably do. The majority of multivitamin supplements are what health experts refer to as "junk vitamins." Junk vitamins are nowhere near the quality the best multivitamins are. What makes multivitamin supplements junk vitamins? When a company manufactures multivitamin supplements, they have a few manufacturing options they can make. A company can make with cheap ingredients, use high-quality ingredients, or find a middle ground. When a company makes cheap multivitamin supplements, they use cheap, almost useless ingredients. Centrum is a good example of this. Centrum multivitamin supplements use synthetic ingredients the human body cannot absorb very well. Cyanocobalamin, a synthetic version of vitamin B12, is one example of a cheap ingredient. In fact, cyanocobalamin actually breaks down into a chemical similar to cyanide when digested! Most synthetically made vitamins break down before the body can properly absorb them. So even if junk multivitamin supplements claim they have 100% of a particular vitamin or mineral, there's a good chance most of that will end up being flushed down the toilet because your body can't use it. As much as 90% of a junk multivitamin passes right through the body without being used. The best multivitamins, multivitamin supplements your body can fully absorb, are made from natural ingredients. Natural multivitamins, as they are sometimes called, can be up to 10 times more effective than junk multivitamin supplements. Since the body should be getting most of its nutrients from the food you eat (though it's hard to eat all the nutrients you need every day through food) it makes sense that nutrients derived from food sources, natural sources, should make the best multivitamin supplements. How can you distinguish junk multivitamin supplements from the best multivitamins? Since there are so many different brands of multivitamin supplements to choose from, how in the world are you supposed to choose a multivitamin that delivers? Here is a guideline you can follow to see which multivitamin supplements are the best multivitamins. 1. Make sure most nutrients are 100% Of course, this is far from the most important criteria. Even junk multivitamin supplements can list most the nutrients as 100%. Calcium is one exception to the 100% rule. 2. Make sure the multivitamin supplement has a GMP claim The best multivitamins follow a "good manufacturing process" guideline. Following a GMP means the manufacturers followed an unenforced industry standard to meet quality. 3. Look out for cyanocobalamin Cyanocobalamin, in my opinion, is one of the best ways to judge how good multivitamin supplements are. If the manufacturer did not use cyanocobalamin and there is 100% or more of vitamin B12, they almost certainly used quality ingredients for the rest of the vitamin ingredients. 4. Look for a "Natural" multivitamin claim Once again, this isn't always the best way to find the best multivitamin supplements. Some manufactures use the "Natural" claim when, really, most of the ingredients are useless. Once again, a good way to determine if multivitamin supplements are truly natural multivitamins is to look and make sure cyanocobalamin isn't listed in the ingredients. 5. When all else fails, look at the price Cheaper brands and store brands are almost certainly junk multivitamin supplements. More expensive brands are more likely to be higher quality. Not always, but most of the time. Don't waste your money on cheap multivitamin supplements. It's a poor investment in your health. Spend your money on only the best multivitamin supplements. In a future article I will be telling you about three of the best multivitamin supplements on the market and where you can get them. Sources: Mike Adams Podcast Interview (www.naturalnews.com); womentowomen.com |
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