About 'vitamins for hair'|Best Hair Growth Vitamins for Best Progress
Of course almost every woman or man wants a long, short thick hair and possibly tried all methods and treatments known but still can't keep up that dream hair and nails. Whether you believe it or not there are such things as vitamins for hair and nail growth. Your hair and nails need vitamins for their growth because both of them are almost made up of the same structures and proteins called keratin. So, it is possible that when you are having problems with your hair growth it can also affect your nail growth because they share almost the same nutrients. Hair and nail growth can be affected by a lot of factors such as stress, deficiency of some important nutrients like vitamins, weather conditions and illness. The best way to ensure the growth of both hair and nail is to provide you with the essential nutrients especially vitamins. Hair and nail growth strongly depends on vitamins so below are some important and necessary vitamins you should consider. BIOTIN which is also known as VITAMIN H is a very important vitamin for hair and nail growth. It is part of the B-Complex family. You should start with a small dose and then to a level that is good for you. You should not expect it to just work overnight, give it time and it will yield results. It can also be found in foods like oats and brown rice. VITAMIN A - These vitamins is needed for hair and nails growth and even helps the eyes too. It enhances healthier and stronger hairs and nails. It achieves this by producing healthy sebum in the scalp thereby increasing rate of hair growth. It can be found in yellow fruits, oranges, carrots and dark green vegetables. VITAMIN C - Also known as antioxidant, it plays an important role not only for infections and strong bones and teeth but also helps the hair and nails grow healthier and stronger. Almost everybody knows where and how to get their hands on Vitamin C but it can also be found in some green and red pepper. Another vitamin for hair and nail growth is VITAMIN D. Though it's not that important but it's also necessary and can be found in dairy products. VITAMIN E - This vitamin is better as a supplement. It improves scalp circulation thereby enhancing the production of hair follicles and good nail growth. It helps increase oxygen into the cells as a result increasing the scalp circulation. VITAMIN B6 and B12 - This vitamin helps for hair growth by preventing hair loss and graying of hair. There are also other vitamins for hair and nail growth such as paraminobenzoic acid, panthothenic acids and Niacin. They all promote scalp circulation and increase the rate of hair and nail growth. You should know that the most common source of these vitamins are the food we take in such as citrus fruits, green veggies, potatoes, wheat germ oil, brewer's yeast, eggs, whole grain, red meat, dairy products and chicken. Your hair also needs minerals like zinc and magnesium and always knows that the best vitamins for hair and nail growth are those that contain the essential amino acids. Some hair products like shampoos, oils and sprays also contain necessary vitamins for hair growth. If you really want to achieve that healthy, thick, shiny hair and polished nails, make sure you are not lacking these vitamins. |
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