2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'vitamin a deficiency'|What a vitamin D deficiency is doing to your hair!

About 'vitamin a deficiency'|What a vitamin D deficiency is doing to your hair!

Vitamin               D               is               a               fat-soluble               vitamin               that               is               obtained               primarily               through               sunlight.

The               Mayo               Clinic               reports               that               the               primary               purpose               of               vitamin               D               in               the               body               is               to               regulate               the               content               of               calcium               and               phosphorus               in               the               blood               stream.

A               vitamin               D               deficiency               can               throw               off               these               levels               among               other               effects,               leading               to               potential               complications               including               reduced               bone               strength,               high               blood               pressure,               and               an               increased               risk               of               various               medical               conditions               including               autoimmune               diseases.

Lack               of               exposure               to               sunlight               is               the               most               frequent               cause               of               vitamin               D               deficiency.

One               of               the               main               sources               of               vitamin               D               is               simply               sunlight.

By               simply               getting               exposure               to               some               sunlight               a               few               times               a               week,               the               body's               vitamin               D               needs               are               often               met               independent               of               dietary               vitamin               D.

However,               wearing               sunscreen               can               actually               severely               inhibit               the               body's               ability               to               absorb               the               nutrient               from               sun               rays.
               People               who               don't               get               outdoors               much               or               who               live               in               areas               that               receive               little               sunlight               are               at               a               higher               risk               of               vitamin               D               deficiency.

Because               of               the               method               by               which               it               is               acquired,               the               winter               season               is               often               a               cause               of               vitamin               D               deficiency.

In               fact,               it               is               believed               that               the               lack               of               vitamin               D               acquired               through               sunlight               during               the               winter               months               is               at               least               partly               responsible               for               the               development               of               seasonal               affective               disorder.
               Another               partial               cause               of               vitamin               D               deficiency               is               limited               intake               through               the               diet.

This               is               in               large               part               due               to               the               limited               number               of               foods               in               which               vitamin               D               naturally               occurs.

Fish               is               the               only               true               natural               food               source               of               a               substantial               amount               of               vitamin               D.

Some               other               foods               are               fortified               with               vitamin               D               including               milk,               some               dairy               products,               and               certain               kinds               of               juices               and               cereals.

Fish               oil               capsules               and               vitamin               supplements               are               the               easiest               ways               to               get               the               recommended               daily               intake               independent               of               sunlight.
               Conditions               affecting               the               absorption               of               the               nutrient               can               also               cause               vitamin               D               deficiency.

According               to               the               Linus               Pauling               Institute               of               Oregon               State               University,               conditions               that               affect               the               absorption               of               fat               like               cystic               fibrosis               and               cholestatic               liver               disease               can               cause               vitamin               D               deficiency               by               hindering               the               body's               ability               to               absorb               vitamin               D.
               Vitamin               D               is               an               essential               nutrient               responsible               for               a               number               of               functions               and               immune               boosting               properties.

Lack               of               sunlight               is               the               most               frequent               cause               of               vitamin               D               deficiency,               but               it               can               be               associated               with               medical               conditions               that               affect               the               body's               ability               to               digest               or               absorb               certain               nutrients.

Any               questions               about               the               causes               of               vitamin               D               deficiency               should               be               directed               to               a               primary               care               provider.
               Vitamin               D.

Linus               Pauling               Institute:               Micronutrient               Information               Center.

Oregon               State               University.
               Vitamin               D.

Mayo               Clinic.

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    댓글 1개:

    1. The consequence of vitamin D deficiency is very severe. One should take oral supplements of vitamin D so that to avoid getting victim of vitamin D deficiency. Thank you for sharing this article.

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