About 'best vitamin to help with weight loss'|...realize the vitamin C may have helped bring that...yet, fat loss reliably...more room to work! And, best of all, there...the dose with some of... the weight you gain...
Kirstie Alley was the poster child for Jenny Craig these past 3 years. Apparently the company wants to interest women with their new spokesmodel actress, Valerie Bertinelli. Does Kirstie feel alienated, or just heady with the success of a new look and terrific figure? Whatever the reason, she's parting ways with Jenny Craig. Kirstie hopes to capitalize on the endless American obsession: weight loss and fitness for the 21st Century! With nearly a half century of diets behind me, I'm certainly qualified to write about Kirstie's success. I'm also curious about how well she'll do with her prospective company. So let's take a look at weight loss and our old friend from Cheers, Kirstie Alley. People Magazine broke the story after Kirstie and Jenny Craig parted ways. Apparently it wasn't her intention to announce these goals, but a press release by Jenny Craig seems to have sparked a glut of media attention. Looking fit and healthy, who better to champion a new weight loss program than Kirstie Alley? According to Kirstie, "The weight-loss field is wide open and not immune to new ideas and improved solutions for the fat problems that plague many of us Americans every day. I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride. I am especially passionate about seeing to it that our next generations are not struggling with the same weight issues that my generation has struggled with. There was a time when America was not fat, and that was in our not-so-distant past. I'm confident that I can create something exciting and innovative: something that if all goes well, will help change a fat America back into a fit America and will offer this country the healthiest, yummiest, easiest and most effective weight-loss program on the market." You can check out my links for the full article at People Magazine. Analyzing her statements to the press, it seems as if Kirstie is looking for a whole person lifestyle change, as opposed to special foods and a dramatic loss of weight followed by a rebound back to her Rubenesque curves of a few years ago. My sister-in-law (Donna) achieved terrific results with Jenny Craig, too. But she tired of their regimen and the cost of the meal plans. Make no mistake, Jenny Craig works. Donna was very enthusiastic about their program, and even worked with them for a time. Like Kirstie, my sister-in-law eventually moved on to other projects and strategies as she began to see 60 on the horizon of her birthday calendar. I remember Kirstie back in my thinner days. She always reminded me of my old boss, Arla. All of us (Kirstie, Arla, Donna, and I) have suffered from the roller coaster of weight loss to which Kirstie refers in her public statement to People Magazine. Personally, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on losing weight, too. I just don't have the self-control (so far) to maintain that weight loss. If Kirstie Alley's plan looks doable for the long term, I may give it a try myself. I'm simply too old for most of the diets that worked for me in the past decades of my life. According to Dr. Mike Meyers, who has his own comprehensive treatment plan, "Obesity is a chronic medical disorder that cannot be cured, only treated. Helping to keep the weight off and avoiding the "roller coaster" effect of weight loss and gain is the most difficult, yet most important, part any program." Well, at least Kirstie, Arla, Donna and I are not alone! When I was in upper elementary school and junior high, I went through an early "chubby" period. I wanted to be a tall, lanky blonde, looking like Twiggy, Jan Brady (Eve Plumb), or even "Julie" (Peggy Lipton) from the Mod Squad. Instead, I was short, brunette and a lot rounder than I should have been! In 8th grade, I started exercising. I'd spend hours in my room doing sit-ups, jumping jacks, and running in place during the long winter months. During the summer, I spent hours swimming in Browns Lake, where we lived in Jackson, Michigan. I put aside the Cap'n Crunch cereal, Pop-Tarts and junk food I craved. I also grew about 4 inches over a relatively short period. When I walked into 9th grade, I still wanted that long blonde hair, but at least I was thin and proud of my new figure. Another diet I remember was during my Army days. Living in Germany, I became a bit too fond of my German Beer and bratwurst. I was guilty of consuming far too many "Kasestruedel" at the nearby bakery, and all the military activity in the world couldn't change the result of so many calories. I looked at the mirror one day and was disgusted! I had gained enough to push the scale to 189 lbs and was wearing a size 18 pair of blue jeans that became increasingly tight. Following an illness, I had a head start on my desired diet, and continued my efforts during an extended school for my job specialty. Away from my old friends and favorite restaurants, I began drinking ice tea and eating egg salad sandwiches. I used my spare time for running and calesthenics. In a single month, I was able to shed another 20 lbs and went on to tip the scales at 120 for many, many years. When I married, I found a husband who could make most girls look petite. In the early days of our marriage, we enjoyed more than our fair share of beer drinking and fun times. Living in Upper Michigan, we tended to be quite sedentary during the winter months. Although nowhere near that previous level of weight, I definitely put 120 lbs in the rear view mirror for all time. But once I received notice that my application for Officers Training School (OTS) in the US Air Force (USAF) had been approved, I knew my figure was up for another overhaul. When I arrived at Medina Annex, I was close to my maximum allowable weight of 156 lbs. The Air Force has since gone to a body fat index system, but back then we were restricted by our height. I wasn't fat, but neither me OR the USAF were happy with my figure. The military system is easy: lots of exercise combined with limited meals and no snacks. I've never enjoyed eating in cafeterias or mess halls. The loud noise and huge numbers of people kills any appetite. At OTS, the food was pretty good and I should have been hungry. Unfortunately, I was worried about my performance overall and intimidated by the mess hall. I simply never ate very much. My reduced intake was helped by the fact that I had trouble doing the required push-ups and pull-ups. I had to work on a weight lifting plan that demanded 1.5 hours in the gym every other day. In addition, I began running and eventually worked up to five miles on alternate days. Even on the days I lifted weights, I'd run afterwards. The pounds melted off and what was left firmed up quickly. After nearly 4 months at Medina Annex (we had a Christmas Break period in between) I dropped to approximately 125 lbs and looked the best I've ever been. Other strategies that have worked for me include betting on weight loss in a competition, the McDougall Plan, and the Stillman Water Diet. I also lost quite a few pounds and several inches by swimming in lieu of taking my lunch hour. The time we all bet on weight loss, my husband and I won over $300!! A large group of us military folks basically wagered $20 each. We gave out three prizes (monetary awards) for most weight loss and most percentage of weight loss, which was divided by sex. My husband won first in BOTH categories and I won the most percentage of weight loss. It was fun, and having my partner working with me was the key to our success. Warren and I have used the McDougall Plan many times, but the Stillman Water Diet was so unpleasant for me, I never tried it a second time. Both plans (and many other systems) require a large amount of water consumption. This is very important to flush away the by-products of weight loss. I liked McDougall because of the varied menu. Although you must give up meats and oils (and other items,) the associated recipes are VERY appetizing. Check out my links for their website and books. Just this past summer, I started walking for about 1-2 hours a day. Without worrying about food plans, I lost weight and firmed up. I enjoy walking a great deal. The weight loss was inspiring, but what I enjoyed most was the private time for thinking and reflection. By nature, I tend to be sedentary. My favorite hobbies are reading, working with the internet, writing, and cooking! For me, it's important to carve out a part of my day for active pastimes. Knowing what I do about Kirstie Alley, I'd say she has a similar, self-indulgent nature. I predict her plan will involve a scheduled amount of exercise, healthy food recipes, and vitamin supplements. Considering her age, I'm confident that metabolism and menopause will be a part of her focus. Carrying around extra baggage is embarrassing. Most of us want to show off a pretty figure and want others to appreciate our looks. As time goes on, it gets more and more difficult to maintain a decent figure, let alone to lose weight and firm up. With all her money, societal position and a height of nearly six feet, even Lady Diana Spencer battled with her weight for most of her short life. Some have slower metabolism and often medical problems contribute to weight gain. The simple fact that I live near the Canadian border influences my appetite and restricts my favorite exercise! A biggest key to losing weight is finding enjoyable activities and combining that exercise with a healthy diet. If you cannot maintain the lifestyle that got you thin, it won't be long until the scale becomes your mortal enemy again. Personally, I'm looking forward to the specifics of Kirstie Alley's Weight Loss Revolution. It sounds like an exciting adventure for a woman just 7 short years my senior! Just compare her 2004 photos with those from her press conference in People Magazine. I can't help believe that whatever she offers might be worth looking at in the future. The specifics of her plan aren't public yet. In Kirstie's words, "Oh, but hey, don't "Call Kirstie" just yet. You'll be on hold too long. Call me next year." |
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